

Yearly Easter Post 2021

Harry spoke as they circled, and stared into each other's eyes, green into red. "You won't be able to kill any of them ever again. Don't

Dunning Kruger Effect

When I was 11, my mom had shown me what a chord was on the piano (3 fingers on every other key). Within a couple of weeks, I was beginning to play songs

Look, if you're going to post a video...

Look, if you're going to post a video that is filled with misinformation, lies, and conspiracy theories about a "cure" for Covid, I'm going to mark it

I Booked An Appointment for a Covid Vaccine

A bit of public journaling. Today, after 3 days of battling with DC’s gawd-awful website, I booked an appointment for a covid vaccine. I should have felt elated. But instead, I began

Planks and Specks

I can be so easily tempted to measure my own knowledge, growth, and journey in relation to other people. "Geez, why doesn't this person get it already?!" The problem