* We don't know how many there were; though they usually traveled in caravans of a dozen or more
* They weren't kings themselves; they
2 Samuel 24
* King [[David]], 3000 years ago in Israel
* The Census - Showed Lack of trust
* God's plague
* Killed 70 of the 1,300 military units David counted
* David
Quiz: What are these things made from:
* Olive Oil oil is produced by grinding whole olives and extracting the oil
* Peanut Oil
* Palm Oil
* Canola Oil - rapeseed, CANadian Oil Low Acid
* Corn
This sermon no longer accurately represents my views on the questions at hand and is very heteronormative. It remains here for archival, as well as my belief that being wrong in public is
From: Paul, the planter of the church, stayed for 2 years (Acts 18:19-21; Acts 19)
Was there briefly, came back, baptized disciples of John. After sending Timothy to Macedonia, he called