How you can serve and love them?
The ingenious, radical thing about Jesus' teaching is that at the moment we discover someone to be our enemy, we have simultaneously found someone to love and serve. Whoever we have decided is a "sinner" immediately becomes the person we called to forgive and welcome. The way Jesus has things set up, judgment and name-calling are self-defeating.
The Gospel is like the opposite of a Chinese finger trap—the harsher we desire to condemn, the more we are called to love.
You think a Democrat is a sinner? How you can serve and love them?
You think a Republican is a sinner? How you can serve and love them?
You think a Black Lives Matter supporter is a sinner? How you can serve and love them?
You think a KKK member is a sinner? How you can serve and love them?
You think a queer person is a sinner? How you can serve and love them?
You think someone who gets an abortion is a sinner? How you can serve and love them?
You think a Trump/Biden/Third Party voter is a sinner? How you can serve and love them?
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